v0.7.0 Changelog

Adrorium v0.7.0 Changelog:  (375 hours in 146 days)

=>Main features:

=>Complete changelog:
-updated game engine version to 2018.1b
-started rewriting all scripts
-started writing new game framework
-added a data script
-added lots of classes:items,research..
-created new settings framework
-stated reworking the main menu
-migrated some code to data script
-made new fps/ping/version texts
-added more gamedata classes
-wrote the new menus related code
-reorganized the menu buttons
-redesigned the way menu processes data
-debugged the new code
-separated storing from process classes
-made the read/write for saving
-made specialized saving classes;
-debugged the saving system;
-implemented closest target getting
-implemented next target getting
-finished debugging the new framework
-started referencing all GameObjects
-made inits hierarchically triggered
-added new panels for canvas
-debugged the canvas
-made leaderboard into custom panel
-pdated gameengine to 2018.1 A13
-solved fps spike bug from physics
-made menu  pannels togglable
-improved scrolling in announcements
-made menu panels be closed at startup
-referenced setting canvas elements
-started implementing settings options
-reorganized setting elements
-solved apply settings bug
-implemented serialization for items
-same for recipes
-finished the new settings framework
-added low,med,high setting presets
-made game autoload settings
-solved a audio bug
-cached some GameObjects
-started working on new/cont game
-moved gamestarting code to game ctrler
-cached more vars at startup
-implemented the gamelists for entities
-made ship init called instead of auto
-made game use difficulty setting
-tweaked the lighting
-solved sandbox errors
-solved projectile bugs
-started debugging the new features
-solved gam exit bug
-made menu panels reset upon exiting
-made ships disappear when exiting
-made specialized ship destructor
-made the ping/ip show only in-game
-made game gen logs disappear -started working on the multiplayer
-implemented password prompter
-edited master server list format
-implemented new network architecture
-created classes for network msg's
-researched the nat punchtrough
-solved bug that dcd the masterserver
-installed PHOTON
-adapted photon for my code
-made photon and transport selectable
-implemented server listings for both
-made the MP work with both P & T
-implemented network testing
-wrote send/receive function for MP
-created all the net message classes
-made all compatible with both P and T
-created script for classes
-created runtime storing classes
-moved all runtime dict. to data script
-removed unneeded classes
-added notifs for game start
-added join step notifs to client
-moved ipgetting at app start -edited masterserver param. format
-edited join panel template
-solved ugly slider/toggle nre bug
-made fullsc discrete with 3 values
-blocked starting while testing net.
-made net type selectable manually
-made isforwarded and isphoton states
-implemented first net packet class
-finished the core MP to communicate
-created handshake packet encodings
-made client autodetect host
-made classes for add,del,store players
-wrote code for processing them
-wrote the download entity classes
-made the processing code for them
-wrote asteroid dld/load/gen classes
-finished coding the asteroid syncing
-implemented player info dld/load/store
-made pl con packet and framework
-implemented sync rate setting
-made network stats for sent data size
-created playerinfo class for runtime
-tweaked debug gui for network
-made player pos sync packets/classes
-same for ships
-implemented ship type downloading
-made game keep track of dld entities
-removed unneeded playerinfo
-synced infinite universe offsetter
-finished implementing ship dlding
-cleared screen upon entering/starting
-made public/private chat packets
-replaced vector3's wit floats for net
-optimized no clients case syncing
-updated con/dcd debug steps
-reorganized network related gui
-realigned the texting location
-solved a ugly net transport bug
-debugged some more the MP
-changed the way clients are indexed
-added button press packet/class
-implemented it on the components
-optimized all packet classes for size
-implemented log,err,war,debug panel
-limited entries to avoid clodding
-started debugging player script
-made log panel auto scroll down
-made specialized all but one conn.
-solved pl pos sync bugs
-solved missing player self bug
-solved GO pos sync bug
-solved unlogged dcd bug
-solved missing dcd msg
-solved network gui related bugs
-solved error in ship pos sync
-changed MP player GO naming
-implemented lerped MP pos sync
-solved name bug in MP
-solved bug in transfer rate calc.
-cleared many debugs
-made custom spawnpos searching
-solved multiple pl conn in same time
-finished writing destroy all on exit
-merged several store classes
-started writing w/r for loading
-created the format for the saves
-created framework for mfm jump;
-solved error in savefile reading
-finished implementing new saving sys.
-solved bug in dupped suit in suitdock
-redesinged saveselector panel
-redesigned new/cont panel
-implementeed fit to content for panels
-added modding panel
-added more savefile info
-started working on the loading
-made save integrity check
-added game params to savefile
-finished the loading of players
-removed all hardcoded gametype data
-finished item and asteroid spawning
-completely rewrote the ship spawner
-wrote the block loader
-made shipdesigns dinamically loadable
-made both loading of design and class
-added more ship params for saving
-finished ship side saving and loading
-integrated it in the net download
-finished true ship sync
-rewrote most ship vars for faster load
-made comp spawner load and create
-finished implementing comp spawning
-migrated comp state vars to ship
-optimized comp indexing
-debugged comp script
-created custom loot gen. algorithm
-new shield redistribution algorithm
-reworked the shield variables
-made ship use net for notifs
-new shield system naming and process
-cleaned up the ship load/save func.
-migrated loot gen to block spawner
-implemented spawn,rot,del MP sync
-added info to manual
-hided some buttons
-made shields position center-able
-adapted old designs to new format
-improved net test for no internet
-solved pos/rot encoding bugs
-solved bugs in ship gen. func.
-optimized size on packets for net
-created custom multidim encoding
-optimized the ship save class size
-solved bugs in loading blocks
-solved bugs in block name encoding
-first run without errors in months
-solved bugs in bad block position
-made new format for block store class
-made entities dict.s for faster access
-added mission classes
-modiffied how comp states are stored
-made new block storing format
-wrote shipdesign gen. function
-finished block load/save+loot gen.
-made block gen from params to string
-debugged extensively the ship script
-implemented encryption for savefile
-made block params to string function
-finished generating store classes
-merged ship design gen and spawn
-added more manual entries
-made placeholder missions
-implemented item spawning
-made item spawn gameobject
-implemented item destruction
-added drop functionality
-made dropping have random pos
-imlemented drop item sync for mp
-renamed entitiscript gameobjects
-debugged some more
-integrated item actions into mp
-wrote the mp shipspawn command
-created loader for block init state
-rewrote airlock code from scratch
-adapted the code for all the comps
-merged console states into a int
-integrated power into console state
-debugged the aux.& ctrl.p. console
-adapted states in shield console
-adapted ship weapons states
-reworked the hydroponics block
-made plant grow continuously
-adapted door state processing
-solved bug in door automation
-made ship cmd's compatible w/ cons.
-removed redundant cockpit buttons
-optimized cockpit animations
-adapted cockpit anim.r for new anims
-finished debugging block script
-changed cockpit interaction
-integrated cockpit into tutorial
-changed block inventory format
-imeplemted cargo access on pl side -made loot autosort
-made block inv access be direct
-made cargos be locked when used
-redone autodoor open mechanism
-rereferenced the airlocks
-had to rereference escapepod&hidrop
-updated console button logic
-finished rereferencing the cockpit
-realigned&debugged some buttons
-reindexed console elements
-solved net tester error
-added manual entries
-optimized item drop pick w/ layers
-wrote the player side item pick
-optimized animations at startup
-made mission panel fit to content
-made shield colliders accurate
-changed autodoor detection area
-tweaked elevator detection area
-optimized coroutines in comp script
-improved player rotation motion
-made player id savable
-moved leaderboard to canvas script
-redesigned the leaderboard
-tweaked the recipe box design
-adapted shipdesigns to new format
-wrote the config file reading
-tweaked hud elements position
-optimized net tester
-implemented net retest
-solved shipdesign access bug
-solved escapepod bug
-replaced dict's n serialization
-started populating the data files
-solved data reading bugs
-started writing crafting framework
-reworked  crafter r/w
-rewrote crafting format
-added lootvalue templates
-debugged block gen function
-changed block store format
-made net check run faster
-optimized net shipspawn
-crated new rotation value encodings
-implemented ship states save/load
-solved many uninit,nre,index errors
-updated Unity to 2018.1.0f2
-removed emergency discharge button
-solved state errors in autodoors
-same for ctrl. pan. console
-reworked camera shake
-optimized net testing/retesting
-made drones spawn at same distance
-solved weapons animation error
-solved console bugs
-soled button color bug
-solved main power console bugs
-solved many cockpit state errors
-solved airlock color error
-solved cargobox anim bug
-solved cargobox missing tag error
-adapted all the old loot values
-autorescale on craft/mission pan.
-solved cockpit not upd color bug
-solved cockpit screen index error
-tweaked cockpit screen animations
-solved bug in cockpit states
-tweaked notif for starting game
-solved drones not spawning bug
-removed some debugs
-solved block encoding bug
-solved game restart error
-solved delete cockpit w/ player bug
-solved ugly saving string bug
-solved many ship saving errors
-solved bug in player saving
-reduced connecting time
-solved bug in savefile
-solved bad savefile encoding error
-solved a memory leak bug
-made aliens load/save their contents
-solved alien indexing bug
-implemented savefile sorting
-made saves deletable
-tweaked the loadfile panel
-solved net start error
-solved player spawn error
-solved a bug in block pos spawning
-repaired player motion transition
-solved shp buttons parsing error
-solved player script disabling bug
-solved ship collider error
-added more ship params to savefile
-solved ship not saving last block
-coded comp to load power state
-made spacesuit state save/load
-reworked suitdock animations
-implemented json writer for configs
-added custom build colliders to blocks
-repaired bad names in weapons/cons
-repaired ship weap anim
-repaired block names
-started coding new building system
-separated buttons on other layer
-tweaked tutorial room design
-reorganized playerscript code
-implemented asteroid ore spawning
-finished the down interact
-reworked the movement types/code
-reworked asteroid explosion trigger
-coded inv support for item pick
-implemented up raycast
-implemented mouse sensitivity
-finished 5 movement types
-solved bug that blocked f interact
-solved plant row bug
-solved bug that broke player motion
-tweaked ladder motion rotation
-optimized player movement
-solved null parent bug
-made prototype for new building sys
-implemented new block place algorithm
-made new building mechanism
-removed some block colliders
-finished player block build cmd
-solved camera flip bug
-made rot fps independent
-solved bad controls for handmove
-solved block deletion bug
-linked building with held obj
-disabled old building triggers
-made building consider held item
-solved bug in building align
-started implementing mfmj
-migrated sector gen to data script
-migrated canvas code to canvas script
-made dronespawn procedural
-made story overlay a parameter
-blocked mfm in tutorial
-coded pl pos maintain in mfmj
-made sector gen info autoclear
-creted&added mfmj vfx
-new sfx for the bullethit
-solved dmgpopup position bug
-tweaked the bullet hit vfx
-solved airlock/escpod anim errors
-made destroyed ships not drop loot
-added the new motions to mags
-made new movement when seating
-reorganized cockpit buttons
-solved seating bug
-redesiged the new gui windows
-redrew the inventory slot image
-created new backpack image
-created new spacesuit image
-reorganized the new gui elements
-made the scrolling have no inertia
-added few building items
-tweaked panels visibility
-prepared a test build
-solved a loot spawner error
-implemented net test canceling
-tweaked title color&visibility
-started working on the new inv system
-referenced crafting functionality
-made crafting autogen elements
-started reworking the inventory
-made new belt icon image
-optimized inventory saving
-solved bugs in craft gui gen
-made images a loadable config param
-implemented the sprite reader
-added sprite path in config file
-moved all item images to resourcess
-removed hardcoded items
-added all items to the config
-tweaked the slot colors
-tweaked the item size
-implemented item size change on hover
-added&implemented description panel
-edited the recipe class
-created the first recipe
-solved crafting errors
-finished getting the crafting to work
-reworked craft/cargo interactions
-debugged the block interaction
-solved not updating interactstate bug
-made the description autodeactivate
-removed workbench from seating blocks
-added crafting crosshair
-blocked movement while interacting
-made belt hide when driveing
-added few recipes for testing
-implemented interaction vfx
-locked interacted block for others
-solved incorrect recipe display bug
-solved a crafting panel nre
-made hover on recipe show description
-tweaked craft template& ngredient size
-limited recipes to 4 ingredients
-made helmet not block most panels
-implemented takeall/putall for inv
-solved some accessing errors
-implemented item shift send
-made description panel autoupdate
-added sort button for all inv's
-integrated  description in countitems()
-moved stacksize from player to config
-solved stack deleteion bug
-added stack split to sorting
-deleted obsolete getitemcount()
-added sfx for iteminteractions
-implemented dragging
-rearanged gui panels
-migrate dragging from player to canvas
-made wait period for consuming items
-made item use depending on item type
-same for the item location
-tweaked item description panel
-debugged the use item function
-new sprite for the belt selector
-implemented belt itemswitch
-tweaked the player gui panel
-solved rotation block bug
-solved bug that changed wrong state
-moved the itemcheck to tutorial
-implemented drop/delete item
-adjusted position for dropped item
-solved dropped items being unpickable
-added the pick crosshair to dropped items
-solved bug that hid the texting area
-implemented function for 3dhand anim
-added 3d hand animation templates
-made few fps hand aimations
-added more info to item description
-migrated the pda from gui to game object
-adapted&added the old recipes
-added more item description info
-solved a battery recipe bug
-changed name for few items
-tweaked some item stats
-corrected some item names
-made pick/plant/.. update inventory
-merged remove and take item
-optimized inventoy editing functions
-redone all the hand animations
-solved bug in animation triggering
-moved building from keyctrl to itemuse
-made a null item have no animation
-made iteuse update belt item
-made building consume the item;
-repaired block deleting
-reimplemented the creative menu
tweaked fps hand positioning
-wrote backbone for gui updater
-improved interactwait image visibility
-finished the gui updater
-made driving hide inventry, fps hand...
-removed legacy gui system
-solved items not stacking bug
-rewrote & optimized giveitem()
-realigned item description text
-made suit on/off acces/drop it's inv
-blocked suit inv while not wearing it
-solved gui not upd on item pick
-solved item pick not autostacking
-added sound to all item interactions
-added item pick animation
-solved wrong crosshair bug
-added outputcount info to recipes
-tweaked the gui panels positions
-reduced crafter inventory
-solved lighting value change bug
-made releasing drag not reset pos
-made button click not fire pistol
-tweaked suit inv size
-made description only on inventory
-started working on the pda
-added nicer backgr's to pda
-made mfmj reset targeting sprites
-wrote code for prev. sector mfmj
-repaired mining
-added custom mesh for ore items
-solved hand based movement bug
-added belt support while seating
-made equipped item hide while driving
-solved bug that blocked the asc
-solved the creative menu blocked bug
-blocked item pick if no free inventory
-made ship only drivable if cockpit is on
-implemented the seating animation
-added gui targets for sectors in drivehud
-solved inspector overfilled error
-solved a engine crash due to variable nr
-added mfmj support on the shipscript side
-blocked mfmj trigger while its jumping
-solved dupped ship in mfmj bug
-made ships completely loadable from config
-tarted rewriting the config filess
-started debugging the game
-added more item parameters for config
-finished the item config file
-added 46 new items
-finished the block config file
-solved config file errors
-cached dict. entryes
-optimized data class hierarchy
-tweaked description panel
-implemented automated firing
-made consumable block overuse
-rereferenced player object variables
-solved dupped item bug
-solved itemuse auto trigger  bug
-added not using ammo option(ex: knife)
-finished programming the item parameters
-added 70 new item sprites
-cached the creative panel elements
-wrote the framework for new projectile sys
-rewrote the projectile script
-added config data for te new items
-removed legacy projectile code -created a unified projectile prefab
-coded the new proj hit functions
-added several new building items
-sorted and made order in the images
-re-referenced the previously moved images
-finished the new items config file
-made recipes be indexed by name
-colorcoded rarity in slot background
-integrated new images in editor
-made creative scrollable to fit all items
-hid the null item in creative
-solved building error
-tweaked creative panels dimensions
-added rarity color to creative
-optimized recipe panel scrolling
-generated a item list for recipes
-started coding the recipes config file
-added fabric item
-finished writing the new recipe data
-finished debugging config files
-tweaked the creative panels size
-smg wasn't a weapon, solved it
-solved a projectile bug that blocked spawn
-got the new proj. sys to work
-made pistol not be automated
-added dcmotor to items and recipes
-added the o2canister jet as a ammo item
-made the 02cannister a recoil tool
-added iron bar item &added to many recipes
-added titanium ingot to items&recipes
-added rocketfuel to items&recipes
-implemented recoil for propelling
-solved projectile nre bug
-implemented firing rear recoil
-implemented firing sound from config
-tweaked gui images to avoid overlap
-tweaked the o2canister recoil values
-made asteroids spawn multiple ores
-tweaked asteroid lod distance
-made the '?' image the default
-repaired&reintegrated the dmg popups
-made iron ore main resource
-increased stack size for iron ingot
-solved eapon interaction block bug
-blocked spawning item type null or size 0
-made waittime for crafting
-solved crafting block error
-created recipes at start of game
-solved bad interact anim trigger bug
-blocked debugs outside of editor
-edited rarityes,current:11
-started debugging gametypes
-replaced tutorial colliders w/ blocks
-migrated tutroom to a block
-removed legacy hardcoded tutorial screen
-improved drivehud resolutuin
-tweaked projectile propertues
-added more projectile vfx
-tweaked first run settings
-solved gametype conflict error
-optimized all paralel functions
-added new manual entries
-implemented damage to blocks
-made only tools damage/repair blocks
-new 3dhands,equiped ite models+anim
-rescaled the fps hand
-tweaked the animations
-added knife&seating anim
-imeplemented animator for player
-made knife a melee type
-added 3d object to all items
-added anims for repair&changing item
-tweaked the button press animation
-playtested the animations¬ed some bugs
-tweaked eating anim
-solved equipped item causing collision bug
-repaired knife dash anim trigger
-solved builtitem dissapear bug
-solved cockpit screen autostart bug
-made clicking prevent firing auto weapons
-solved picking not updating inventory bug
-solved startup not showing item bug
-removed unused models
-optimized some textures to save space
-created complex format for block info
-made the block inventory a config param
-finished custom block class gen
-implemented save&load  for block inv
-solved cargobox tag,nre,index errors
-adapted all shipdesigns for new standards
-started coding the npc interact framework
-added dialog config file+few dialogs
-added alien item for debugging
-made npc interact panel autotoggle comps
-made template for dialog system
-finished implementing trading&diaolg sys
-hardcoded ship repair system
-added ability to accept missions
-centralized spacedock mesh positioning
-made ship repair only in spacedock area
-finished coding the repair function
-added waittime after buttonpress
-solved bug in repair indicator popup
-solved a nre cased by dialog config file
-made dialog sys read from config
-made creative items autoupdate inv
-made mission template panel
-debugged the dialog sys
-made mission panel autoupdate
-finished npc interaction framework
-made alien collider accurate
-added 4 letters to npc mesh T,R,M,D
-made notifs visible while interacting
-made using the held item clear fps hands
-wrote several dialogs
-added content to all ingame aliens
-added few dummy missions
-solved bug that allowed all npc to repair
-tweaked alien position for easier interact
-added bath door to lod
-tweaked interact panels properties
-made dock and station have aux
-made all their suitdocks empty
-tweaked trade indicator for the npc
-solved invisible dialog bug
-solved missing cabinet sound error
-solved building offseted pos bug
-corrected some dialog typos
-removed 100 item limit
-debugged the tutorial
-removed test items from runtime
-made item tutorial steps upate gui
-solved a tutorial dead end objective
-tweaked tutorial ammo count received
-solved unremovable suit inv items
-tweaked the mission gui
-made the tut require pda zoom
-made player escape with escapepod
-finished debugging the tutorial
-started debugging the multiplayer
-solved bug that prevented downloading
-solved mp ship decoding bug
-solved mp data parsing bug
-made pun rooms display full info
-finished encoding for all shipdesigns
-solved wrong buttons pressable in mp
-tweaked escapepod dimensions
-solved mp asteroids autodestruct bug
-finished repairing ship downloading
-added the savefile icon back
-solved dmg popup offset bug
-made photon reconnect on exit
-solved dupped connect message bug
-solved bug in mp inventory sync
-wrote mp classes for inventory control
-finished server side proj sync
-finished client side proj sync
-finished implementing proj for mp
-wrote mp sync for several actions
-tweaked the format for some mp messages
-blocked resetitem anim in certain cases
-finished the mp client script sync
-wrote client side chat
-finished client side ship inv
-new face for the alien
-realigned mp body mesh
-added new anims for player
-made head rotation sync
-cached mp body elements
-implemented animator for mp body
-finished implementing all status sync
-finished implementing the mp
-had to rereference all pl script vars
-started debugging mp
-solved more referencing errors
-changed layer prototypes for mp body
-solved few more MP bugs
-solved inaccurate head rot bug
-finished coding the mp body animator
-solved mp anim transition bug
-solved bad held object reference
-solved mp anim not stopping
-solved bad mp anim states bug
-made buttons unclickable in pause
-made host dcd close the game
-removed mfmj to prev sector
-implemented mp command for  mfm jump
-fixed pda button offset editor bug
-added sounds to pda buttons
-solved incorrect sprite in targeting
-solved invalid aces error in MP
-finished syncing mp mfm jump
-removed debugs,removed dmg from notif
-solved bug in ship inv sync
-synced drone attack state
-solved bug that didn't sync dmg properly
-made players not clip through each other
-made mp anim not get stuck
-solved escapepod parenting bug
-solved incorrect turbine display bug
-decreased drone attack rate
-4 more ship movement building items
-tweaked rarity for some items
-solved error that blocked shipdesign save
-solved bug that hid continue buttons menu
-started working on the riroa7 design
-solved bug in loading custom design
-finished designing the riroa7 ship
-integrated riroa7 in the game
-tweaked the visuals on the player
-made riroa7 the default ship
-tweaked cons visuals to avoid clipping
-solved alien not upd state bug
-finished debugging training gametype
-finished the known bugs list
-solved bug in cockpit power state
-solved cockpit screen not closing bug
-solved invalid ship faction values bug
-solved picking item in cockpit error
-solved error that respawned drones in menu
-tweaked riroa7 design
-tweaked screen block texts
-made shipdesign not include loot
-made loot gen a parameter
-made inv autosort only on gen loot
-solved mp seat anim not syncing bug
-improved pl pos sync
-solved cockpit crash after deseating bug
-finished writing the changelog
-added developer remove tool item
-made creative not consume build items
-solved handmove delete causing crash bug
-implemented godmode
-adapted gui info for this version


Adrorium v0.7.0 (WIN64) 38 MB
Aug 19, 2018
Adrorium v0.7.0 (MAC) 41 MB
Aug 19, 2018
Adrorium v0.7.0 (WIN32) 36 MB
Aug 19, 2018
Adrorium v0.7.0 (LINUX) 56 MB
Aug 19, 2018

Get ADRORIUM v0.10.5.1

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