v0.9.1 Changelog (Landers Update)

Adrorium 0.9.1 Changelog (Landers Update)
=>Main features:
- Planet Landing
- New Rover
- Collision damage
- New Booster
- Simplified crafting tree
- Sniper
- Crouching
- 2 new ship designs
- Deck floors and hatch
- Hull depressurization
- Discord integration
- New dying mechanics
- Ship oxygen consumption
- Aiming zoom
- Vehicle crafting
- Docking camera
- Masterserver
- Updated audio system for all blocks
- New cargodoor
- Consoles are stackable now
- Frame limit option
- Tweaks to all loot tables
- Atmosphere visual effects
- Screenshots with F10
- Target trail indicator
=>Complete changelog:
-removed the planet collider
-updated version info
-made 0.9.1 accept 0.9.0 saves
-made esc close the log panel
-cleaned legacy 0.9.0 commented code
-implemented auto dock debug command
-added build number
-reduced thruster volume
-implemented aiming zoom
-made minimum fov 60
-fixed weapon damage multiplier not working
-added sniper weapon
-fixed crash for external savefile loading
-removed belt background image
-fixed crash due to autosaving corrupting states
-blocked item use and building while logpanel is on
-implemented asteroid collision damage
-implemented ship to ship collision
-implemented planet gravity for ships
-added hull statistics info to screen
-outlined the crosshair for better contrast
-created a new model for the rover
-integrated the new rover in the game
-programmed the behavior of the new rover
-fixed chairs and beds not working on rover
-fixed cargo not working on rover
-added a extra rover cargohold
-added buttons and a display to rover
-made debug spawned rovers be placed closer
-implemented new rover buttons
-prevented rover wheel inflation if area is blocked
-fixed o2 present with open doors in rover
-tweaked rover colliders
-removed legacy rover code and elements
-implemented rover speed gauge
-redone the rover physics
-optimized distance occlusion logs
-made rovers not float when spawned
-new icons for rover display
-fixed no oxygen in rover
-corrected coolant typo in items
-implemented rover energy and o2 replenishing
-removed planet elevators from planets
-updated the new audio system for all blocks
-removed fighter and escapepod blocks code
-made heal station not work when not powered
-removed unused buttons from power status console
-added alien cargo and large airlock items
-tweaked power status console layout
-optimized the console blocks code
-made consoles stackable
-fixed multiple gatlings in one spot
-implemented frame limit settings
-made corrupted saves not crash the game
-optimized the memory usage for ship hull generation
-made rover consider doors when calculating atmosphere
-made sandbox the default gametype
-made default gametype be auto selected
-made gametype buttons be toggled
-made aliens immune to blowtorch
-implemented rover suspension
-added peaceable rover with item and recipe
-added new atmosphere particle effects
-implemented deck separators for the hull
-fixed missing teleport to friendly ship command
-fixed deck separators being offset
-made block hull holes be configurable
-made dismantling spawn the destroyed version
-added new cargodoor
-tweaked ceiling light position
-new fps calculation algorithm
-made fps be calculated on unscaled time
-made deck separators use block info
-added the deck hatch item and recipe
-implemented discord integration
-added new rover sounds effects for all functions
-fixed spawned out of ship bug
-implemented hull depressurization for open cargodoors
-added depressurization vfx
-implemented ship oxygen consumption
-reduce suit o2 reserve to 15 minutes
-made equipping suit take o2 from ship
-fixed autorotating to ship not working sometimes
-prevented depressurization pull in godmode
-made rovers not replenish suit o2
-implemented rover power/atmo consumption
-made new model for booster
-added new vfx for booster exhaust
-tweaked 3rd person drive camera position
-new rotation system for building
-new reverse boost mechanics
-implemented vertical mode for boosters
-new sandbox ship: litro class
-removed all legacy and unused ships
-made ships keep their name when spawned
-new campaign ship: riroa class
-small tweaks to litro design
-reduced ladder reach to 1 meter
-made booster exhaust reflect operating mode
-reduced aiming speed
-fixed incorrect order in rover wheel images
-tweaked lighting quality
-fixed rotating to rover on planet
-prevented spawned rovers remaining behind ships
-implemented screenshots with hotkey F10
-made framerate limit a multiple of ten
-fixed the stretched edges for the skybox
-fixed missing starter loot on litro
-doubled the gravity reach of planets;
-fixed player not registered in the ship sometimes
-changed most recipes to simplify crafting
-made ships autorotate to planet if upside down
-made not extended rovers be way slower
-reduced gravity reach of planets
-fixed light level of detail error
-fixed rover thrown away when spawned in ships
-prevented unix os audio modding error
-tweaked drone design
-tweaked litro design
-removed iron pallets from traders
-increased suit sensor range to 5km
-made canister craftable by hand
-prevented button animation warning
-changed window recipe
-tweaked autodoor animation and model
-tweaked rover colliders
-tweaked rover speed gauge range
-fixed missing audio for walking/running on planet
-updated dismantle loot tables for blocks
-reduced weapon drops in base loot
-added target trail ui indicator
-made airlocks and windows indestructible
-fixed ship design not visible on cockpit on load
-fixed grid values not being updated on cockpit
-implemented the masterserver using Unity's api
-cleaned the networking code
-made not in use boosters not consume fuel/plasma
-fixed inventory access error at the start of the game
-made boosters 2 times more powerful -made boosters require 5 times more fuel
-implemented crouching
-integrated crouching in the input system
-prevented uncrouching if area is blocked
-prevented reloading and crouching while interacting
-tweaks to planet base and trader loot tables
-tweaked vehicle colliders
-increased planet gravity for ships
-ship inventory loss when dying
-made dying spawn the player on ship
-fixed vehicle spawn error
-fixed buttons not working on fighter and escapepod
-made camera locked on escapepod and fighter
-implemented docking camera
-added away mission equipment list on rover
-tweaked cargobox2 inventory size
-fixed upgraded cargo blocks incorrect inventory size
-fixed player dictionary access error in multiplayer
-fixed visual artifacts caused by driving rover
-tweaked cargodoor and rover colliders
-fixed rover engine sound not using volume settings
-made discord be offline by default on mac
-implemented server and client rover driving
-fixed the rover rotating uncontrollably
-fixed position sync for players in rover
-made discord not active by default
-fixed wrong ui sizes for non standard screen ratios
-implemented error reporting
-added error counts for debug mode
-added playtime to error reporting
-made station airlocks open by default
-optimized drone design
-removed soil from starter loot
-corrected auto break typo
-removed most food from base loot
-reduced foot drops in trader inventory
-nerfed rocked recipe
-increased gunpowder stack
-added vertical booster mode button on cockpit
-fixed vehicle spawn in atmosphere error
-tweaked velocity particle count
-fixed atmosphere particles remaining in menu
-fixed crafting recipes not showing on host
-made waves not spawn if the player is on planet
-workaround for teleporting drone bug
-added error/warning count to error report
-formatted the changelog
-tweaked starter loot
-fixed possible hydroponics error
-updated announcement panel
-fixed boosters not working sometimes
-fixed drone spawner error
Get ADRORIUM v0.11.0
ADRORIUM v0.11.0
Space survival, spaceship simulator
Status | In development |
Author | Beholdernx |
Genre | Survival |
Tags | 3D, Buttons, Crafting, Exploration, Farming, First-Person, Procedural Generation, Space, Space Sim |
Languages | English |
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