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i love the game, got some of my friends into it too, we enjoying it a lot. we still learning but how do we dock with other ships and stations?

I'm glad you like it, to dock:

- target the station

- on the target display from cockpit there will be a button:attempt dock, press it

- the cockpit will display a reticle and audio docking signal

- align the 3 rotations first (one at a time), set rcs to 50% or 3% for finer control if you need

- align the position after (all 3 axis) one at a time

- when the reticle turns blue press the attempt dock button

oh thanks :

Eres genial.

i love this game, been playing for around a month, but still cant manage to build landing pads and other stuff, i tried everything, even with the research block, and i cant find it no matter where i search, how i am supossed to build it? (yes, ive been smashing my ships to the ground all this time.)


L. Pads are disabled (recipe removed) since they did nothing useful. To land on planet the only path is to do it slow enough to not take damage, safe landing is anything bellow 10m/s.

its not launching, what am i doing wrong?

what operating system?
if linux check permissions for executable
il windows check antivirus

try running the game from console/terminal

the window is not showing or game is not starting from menu?

try moving the game to a different partition, perhaps where it is it doesn't have the rights to read/write files

hey i was just wanting do an online game, but no one seams to be hosting. is it just where i am or are there no servers.

The community is very small so most of the time there are no servers. You can join the discord server and ask there if anyone is interested(dedicated channels for finding crewmates).


The best game on Android! It looks simple, but I just love so many buttons and the fact that I can control the ship without sitting at the helm

(1 edit)

I had a shower thought today about how to make movement work better(?)

Spaceship movement: move the world, not the ship

Player movement: move the player as normal

I don't know if the same solution will work in multiplayer, but it seems each client could have their own world moving around them and the server would have one world that ships move in, instead of moving the server world.

If there are any movement bugs currently, I haven't experienced them. Maybe you don't need to change anything. Great game!


Thanks for the info.

Right now there is a floating center system to keep the game world close to the player and everything moves relative to that floating center. Unlike other games that do this simplification, in Adro all ships, planets, asteroids and so on actually exist in the world so moving everything around would cause a huge performance leak.

On top of that I create a second physics system workaround that is indirectly parented to the ship so players can walk inside without remaining behind as the game engine doesn't support that.

As for physics bugs don't worry, you can easily find plenty around the rover and when exiting/entering a ship.

i suck at driving

i thought 2017 had alot i was correct

fav update is V0.10.3

Cold and windy
Dark and stormy
Let me float your way
Please don't ignore me

What you girls really need's a soft, fuzzy man
(An ambient man)
A trick of the light to love you tonight
You don't understand, there's nothing quite like a soft, fuzzy man

Can't you see me?
Why can't you see me?
I'm all around, all cold and dreamy

What you girls really need's a soft, fuzzy man
(A wisp of smoke man)
To waft over you and cloud up your view
So show me your hands and wave them right through a soft, fuzzy man

Although I have no arms to hold you in a human passion burns within me
I need to feel like I exist
So please baby, please baby, step into the mist

Don't be nervous
No, don't be nervous
I'm not like other guys who have a surface

What you girls really need's a soft, fuzzy man
(An atmospheric man)
A shimmering puff of indistinct love
What's better than the vague embrace of a soft, fuzzy man?

Who seeps through your thoughts
Who makes you see spots
Who blows through the air
Who plays with your hair
I know it sounds crazy, but once you go hazy, you'll understand
I'm your soft, fuzzy man

does this support single player?

Yes, both singleplayer and multiplayer offer similar experiences.

i know i'm late but thanks


links for discord and steam are under the youtube trailer on page.

There is a massive problem with EVA in the current version. When the player exits the ship, his speed is set to "0", even if the ship is moving, the player shoots one way or another away from the ship, making getting back into the ship pretty much impossible. Please make sure to link ship speed to player speed when EVA

I know, it is a problem but I was not able to solve it(tried few things some time ago) since the physics is strictly controlled by the engine(unity), I even had to write a lot of code around it to allow walking inside a moving ship.

For this reason, in last several updates I made all the ship operations doable from the inside so there would be no incentive to go outside. It is even dangerous to go outside at high speeds since Long range travels are designed to be done with boosters active so you would be left behind anyway because the ship constantly accelerates.

However at the end of the day it is still a bug and there are few solutions that are on my list: teleport the player inside if the game detects that you left the ship at a high speed, prevent the airlock from opening at higher speeds, inform the player about the risk, create a zone around the ship where you are still stuck to the ship(and move/rotate with it) even if you are in clear space(however it would be hard to do with no gameplay benefits).

I see, but why does the speed of the player reset to absolute 0 when going out of the airlock? I have played quite a few spacegames, and usually, the way they seem to do it allow the player to carry over the speed of the ship when they EVA as long as the ship doesn't speed up or slow down, that's why I am confused how it seems to work so differently from your game.

Right now when going outside the airlock the player inherits the ship's velocity but for some reason he gets a slower speed, possible causes: hitting the ship at high speed or some residual air resistance slowing you down. You got me curios, I will take another look at it.

Please do. When trying to go back into the ship from EVA, every light touch, as  the ship was moving would prevent me from entering. Even when I was almost in the airlock, if my feet just gently touched the ground, even with mag lock on, I went woosh. I even once got so much speed from a very very minor touch trying to see if I can mag lock onto the top of the ship, that within seconds I was kilometres away.

What if you made a VR Port of this game?
cause you can make a Meta Quest Apk release.may not run well since it's a phone processor but it's a fun idea.


I don't have a vr headset so that will not happen any time soon. However, I plan to add vr like functionalities to the android version (use the gyro to rotate, press to teleport, in air gestures).

I got my quest 2 for 140 bucks and Quest 1 should be good to test optimisation. although it is a niche market it's still a fun idea

maybe soon someone could ask if they can make a vr port of this (not me i dont even know javascript so REALLY unqualified)

Ngl I just want to be able to be able to physically press the buttons in the 3D space.
Plus I tested running the game on a chromebook, so as long as the game doesn't get that much crazier it can run pretty well.
and if all fails with optimization-
PCVR is always there.

that would be awesome..... maybe i can learn how to do it

VR is still a new market so I'd recommend taking your time with it, other than that though.
have fun with learning coding :3

what's the best way to increase moral?

Hi, best way is to eat high quality foods like crensel smootie or cake(hover over recipe to see item stats), also upgrade the bed to higher level to gain more morale from sleeping. One thing to mention is that morale has no impact on gameplay for now.

thank you!

I still love this game! Can't get enought of it.
Keep up the good work, and I'm sure this game will be a blast in a near future :)

Thank you, will do.

(2 edits)

Genuinely one of the best games on Itch. Can't believe this is free. Please keep working on this game because It has a lot of potential. I played it for hours non stop because it's genuinely so immersive, even if the graphics aren't that high quality. Good work on this game, and would love to see this masterpiece shine in the future, and I hope more people can see this game!

Thank you for the kind word.

We need chinese.Please

Hi, localization is on my todo list but it's very hard to do, not sure if it will be ready any time soon.

Never mind, just try you best is ok. Even i still hope you can support the chinese,thank you. 

oh man this game aged well! i cant even find my old comment!
never forget, clone #32 is still staring out the window of the main space station.

The game is unusual in terms of gameplay, but for some reason your game heats up my PC more)

Enable vsync from settings to limit the frame rate to the maximum refresh rate your monitor can output.

Amazing, fun and complete game. All that's missing is a few details like an easier and more complete tutorial to understand the game better, because it's quite complex, other than that it's perfect

I want to create tutorials all the time, problem is that with each update the gameplay changes significantly and makes the previous tutorials obsolete.

hi, I saw you changed the game icon, so i checked and saw "colossal update", and dropped everything to play it. Gotta say, was worth it. It is significantly more playable now (not quite full release-ready yet, but you can enjoy it without ragequitting every few seconds because the thrusters dont do what you want them to do or whatever) :D

Yes, this update brings a lot of changes, for rcs I usually build 10-20 of them and fill 8 h2o tanks to not worry about it for a long time., until I get the colossal rcs.

oh I meant the ones that you use when travelling outside, the ones that are included in the suit, but they seem to work much better now! I am happy that you are still working on it as I was looking forward to it but was used to people just abandoning the project. This is turning out to become a great game!

hey man ! i can open the doors but when im tryna close em the button wit which you open js dont respond :( and the doors stay open.. pls help

Hy, the orange lever is the manual release lever that pry opens a closed door, to close it you need to power the autodoors from the propulsion console and then you will have more options (open, close, automate, deautomate).

(1 edit)

Game is visibly running in the task manager but the game never appears
Edit: Opening the game from it's file location fixes it

Perhaps you started the dedicated server mode (no UI) with dedicated.bat file instead of Adrorium.exe.

como activo en el modo creativo?

F1: habilitar el modo de depuración

F2: modo dios (el modo de depuración debe estar habilitado)
F3: menú creativo (el modo de depuración debe estar habilitado)
F4: inicia el barco por completo (el modo de depuración debe estar habilitado)
El resto de los comandos creativos se muestran en la configuración de teclas (opciones/combinaciones de teclas/depuración).

F1: enable debug mode

F2: godmode (debug mode must be enabled)

F3: creative menu (debug mode must be enabled)

F4: start up ship fully (debug mode must be enabled)

rest of creative commands are shown in key settings (options/ key binds/ debug)


bro this game is cool


This MIGHT be Starfield

I hope it's not, don't want to be limited by cutscenes instead of planet navigation.

¿Hay alguna forma de ponerlo en español?


Hola, las traducciones aún no están implementadas pero están en la hoja de ruta. Vi a algunos youtubers usar un programa que traduce un juego de Unity reemplazando recursos (no puedo encontrar el clip en este momento).

Hi, translations aren't yet implemented but are on the roadmap. I saw some youtubers use a program that translates a Unity game by replacing assets (can't find the clip at the moment).

muchas gracias lo buscare

Español: Muchas gracias, lo buscar

I found this game by tagging games with hotseat mode, but it doesn't seem to be here. If it is still possible to play this game with two people on the same pc, how to do it?

I can't find the tag you are mentioning. There's only Lan, ad-hoc and server for multiplayer options. I tagged Adro as lan and server based. I don't think 2 players can play Adro on same computer. You can run the game 2 times(you need to change the player id from Data/settings) but only one player can play at a time so I guess it's possible but weird.

(1 edit)

its just the campaign, it says i have to disasemble a satelite from a wreckage, but i dont have the drill and i didnt have enough resources for it bc i was early game.. i need help, still nice and relaxing game

nvm i found it, i gotta use the hook ig

for disassembly you can use any tool: screwdriver, combidrill or welder.

ooh, thanks

Amazing game! Just the type I was searching for!

Thanks. I'm glad you like it.


I loue this game! Great gameplay & mechanics, absurd amounts of content, and a massiue uniuerse. It could use some people on art & music, but the gameplay, programming, and optimisation are incredible. I wish there were more players and maybe a public server, because I can't find other people who play this. I don't use discord, but I've been told that most of the players congregate there.

Deleted 1 year ago

- there is a tutorial where you learn the basics
- lights can be started from electronics console, personal flashlight hotkey is L
- bullet simbols mean that by pressing F you take water from the tank and put in bottle or put the bullets in the gatling gun.
- if you press the big left/right arrow in airlock screen it cycles automatically(closes one door, depressurize then open the other)
- tutorial explains G is for jetpack
- I usually play in weekend, if you want to join (more on discord)

Hi guys! The game freezes/crashes straight after the unity splash, Linux version. Have others had this issue?

Hi, try deleting the Data folder. What OS?

Well Ill be. Still went non-responsive, but then the game started anyway. Thanks ;-)

On my laptop the game takes 0.4-0.5 seconds to load the assets after the 5 second splash screen. You can try to remove the Example mod from Mods folder to speed up resource loading.

You can also put the app in a path that doesn't have unusual characters like space or $ or %. If that doesn't work you can download the windows version and run it with wine or other alternative.

I am a guy you know, a friend of Nekhon, and I was sure before, and I am sure now that this is a good game. Nothing to say bad about it, except if not saying that it is in development.

(2 edits)

Loved this game, docking , lot of buttons, ship systems, trading, anyone plays multiplayer?Downloaded here

Glad you liked it, on discord we have channels where people can find extra crewmen to manage the ship with.

Oh, yes! This is a masterpiece!!! There's almost everything I've been looking for. Please finish the game. If there were no restrictions with Russia, I would have  donated in the game. I will definitely buy it in the steam.


I will never finish the game, I will always work on it. Glad you liked it.

If you'd like some music done for this game, I compose - I prefer making music that works for space settings. I'm not interested in payment, I just want a good reason to work on something. I've joined your Discord as EmCeeBee#6128 if you're interested.

Sure, that would be nice, I wrote to you in discord about it.

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