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We need chinese.Please

Hi, localization is on my todo list but it's very hard to do, not sure if it will be ready any time soon.

Never mind, just try you best is ok. Even i still hope you can support the chinese,thank you. 

oh man this game aged well! i cant even find my old comment!
never forget, clone #32 is still staring out the window of the main space station.

The game is unusual in terms of gameplay, but for some reason your game heats up my PC more)

Enable vsync from settings to limit the frame rate to the maximum refresh rate your monitor can output.

Amazing, fun and complete game. All that's missing is a few details like an easier and more complete tutorial to understand the game better, because it's quite complex, other than that it's perfect

I want to create tutorials all the time, problem is that with each update the gameplay changes significantly and makes the previous tutorials obsolete.

hi, I saw you changed the game icon, so i checked and saw "colossal update", and dropped everything to play it. Gotta say, was worth it. It is significantly more playable now (not quite full release-ready yet, but you can enjoy it without ragequitting every few seconds because the thrusters dont do what you want them to do or whatever) :D

Yes, this update brings a lot of changes, for rcs I usually build 10-20 of them and fill 8 h2o tanks to not worry about it for a long time., until I get the colossal rcs.

oh I meant the ones that you use when travelling outside, the ones that are included in the suit, but they seem to work much better now! I am happy that you are still working on it as I was looking forward to it but was used to people just abandoning the project. This is turning out to become a great game!

hey man ! i can open the doors but when im tryna close em the button wit which you open js dont respond :( and the doors stay open.. pls help

Hy, the orange lever is the manual release lever that pry opens a closed door, to close it you need to power the autodoors from the propulsion console and then you will have more options (open, close, automate, deautomate).

(1 edit)

Game is visibly running in the task manager but the game never appears
Edit: Opening the game from it's file location fixes it

Perhaps you started the dedicated server mode (no UI) with dedicated.bat file instead of Adrorium.exe.

como activo en el modo creativo?

F1: habilitar el modo de depuración

F2: modo dios (el modo de depuración debe estar habilitado)
F3: menú creativo (el modo de depuración debe estar habilitado)
F4: inicia el barco por completo (el modo de depuración debe estar habilitado)
El resto de los comandos creativos se muestran en la configuración de teclas (opciones/combinaciones de teclas/depuración).

F1: enable debug mode

F2: godmode (debug mode must be enabled)

F3: creative menu (debug mode must be enabled)

F4: start up ship fully (debug mode must be enabled)

rest of creative commands are shown in key settings (options/ key binds/ debug)


bro this game is cool


This MIGHT be Starfield

I hope it's not, don't want to be limited by cutscenes instead of planet navigation.

¿Hay alguna forma de ponerlo en español?


Hola, las traducciones aún no están implementadas pero están en la hoja de ruta. Vi a algunos youtubers usar un programa que traduce un juego de Unity reemplazando recursos (no puedo encontrar el clip en este momento).

Hi, translations aren't yet implemented but are on the roadmap. I saw some youtubers use a program that translates a Unity game by replacing assets (can't find the clip at the moment).

muchas gracias lo buscare

Español: Muchas gracias, lo buscar

I found this game by tagging games with hotseat mode, but it doesn't seem to be here. If it is still possible to play this game with two people on the same pc, how to do it?

I can't find the tag you are mentioning. There's only Lan, ad-hoc and server for multiplayer options. I tagged Adro as lan and server based. I don't think 2 players can play Adro on same computer. You can run the game 2 times(you need to change the player id from Data/settings) but only one player can play at a time so I guess it's possible but weird.

(1 edit)

its just the campaign, it says i have to disasemble a satelite from a wreckage, but i dont have the drill and i didnt have enough resources for it bc i was early game.. i need help, still nice and relaxing game

nvm i found it, i gotta use the hook ig

for disassembly you can use any tool: screwdriver, combidrill or welder.

ooh, thanks

Amazing game! Just the type I was searching for!

Thanks. I'm glad you like it.


I loue this game! Great gameplay & mechanics, absurd amounts of content, and a massiue uniuerse. It could use some people on art & music, but the gameplay, programming, and optimisation are incredible. I wish there were more players and maybe a public server, because I can't find other people who play this. I don't use discord, but I've been told that most of the players congregate there.

Deleted 1 year ago

- there is a tutorial where you learn the basics
- lights can be started from electronics console, personal flashlight hotkey is L
- bullet simbols mean that by pressing F you take water from the tank and put in bottle or put the bullets in the gatling gun.
- if you press the big left/right arrow in airlock screen it cycles automatically(closes one door, depressurize then open the other)
- tutorial explains G is for jetpack
- I usually play in weekend, if you want to join (more on discord)

Hi guys! The game freezes/crashes straight after the unity splash, Linux version. Have others had this issue?

Hi, try deleting the Data folder. What OS?

Well Ill be. Still went non-responsive, but then the game started anyway. Thanks ;-)

On my laptop the game takes 0.4-0.5 seconds to load the assets after the 5 second splash screen. You can try to remove the Example mod from Mods folder to speed up resource loading.

You can also put the app in a path that doesn't have unusual characters like space or $ or %. If that doesn't work you can download the windows version and run it with wine or other alternative.

I am a guy you know, a friend of Nekhon, and I was sure before, and I am sure now that this is a good game. Nothing to say bad about it, except if not saying that it is in development.

(2 edits)

Loved this game, docking , lot of buttons, ship systems, trading, anyone plays multiplayer?Downloaded here

Glad you liked it, on discord we have channels where people can find extra crewmen to manage the ship with.

Oh, yes! This is a masterpiece!!! There's almost everything I've been looking for. Please finish the game. If there were no restrictions with Russia, I would have  donated in the game. I will definitely buy it in the steam.


I will never finish the game, I will always work on it. Glad you liked it.

If you'd like some music done for this game, I compose - I prefer making music that works for space settings. I'm not interested in payment, I just want a good reason to work on something. I've joined your Discord as EmCeeBee#6128 if you're interested.

Sure, that would be nice, I wrote to you in discord about it.

How do I turn the Ship?

There are multiple systems that you have to start up in order to have the ship operational,
Power up the 4 consoles(yellow button on each one),

-from propulsion console power the thrusters, boosters, airlocks and doors.

-from electronics console power up antennas and screens,

-from tactical console power up weapons when you need them,

-you can also power up reactors, turbines, solar panels and generators from energy console but you need to build these blocks first

There is a key bind that starts all the systems for debug purposes or if you can't be bothered with the procedures: press F1 to activate debug mode then F4 to power up all ship systems.

Used to play this years ago when I had only a potato laptop and it ran perfectly. I never really learned how to play or build ships but I did enjoy pushing buttons and exploring

Many recent disappointing AAA games have fancy graphics without any substance. This game is the opposite

Yes, AAAs nowadays are mostly graphics and story, no innovation.
You can press F1 then F4 to activate the ship completely and F3 (debug menu) to give yourself any block, this way you can enjoy the endgame without having to learn the basics, and F8 to trigger a wave.

un bon jeux, a beaucoup de potentielle hâte de découvrir la version final

I'm  not very good at this game but the optimisation of this game is incredible, the sheer amount of content compared to it's size is amazing compared to something like No Mans Sky whilst still managing to be a great game.


Thank you. If you have difficulties you can try the tutorial or  the manual from pda. You can also use the creative menu to explore the full game. I actually am not happy with the content and optimization so I improve them with each update.(next one is coming in 1-2 weeks).

I would just like to say I played this game what seems like about 5 years ago and I loved it then. It was a bit crude but I could see the potential. Just rediscovered the game again in 2022 and man has it come along way. Looks great and I love what you did with the control panels. Beautiful work and well done! Still so much you can do with this game, hope you don't turn it into a memory and processor pig. Cheers!

Yes, there is a lot to do and in the last 5 years Adro evolved a lot. The low poly and heavy optimizations allow it to run on 300-400 fps on my laptop and I still have a lot more that I can optimize. If you like the control panels(consoles) now you just wait to see how they will improve in the next update(3 new consoles). Cheers!

Hello Beholder, i Love the Game Proposal but my Pc Cant Handle the Game, The Game Run in 2 or 1 FPS (GPU : Intel GMA 3150, I need buy a new pc), this game will be ported to Mobile?

I have no plans to expand the game to mobile/consoles, at least for the close future.

From what I can see most modern games run at 1-2 fps on that integrated gpu. Did you try the lowest settings? There are other things you can try in order to improve the fps like to start the game with a different rendering library( start the exe from cmd with parameters-force-d3d11or -force-glcore or -force-glcore32)

what do the alarms mean


Red alert gets toggled when the ship takes damage, yellow alert activates when a hostile ship is detected. Green and blue are for personal use(recommend when landing). No alarm is the default.

oh thank you for the info the game is amazing

Please keep releasing 32 bits version, mi 2008 rice fields pc cant handle more than 32 bits

sure, also next release is in 10-20 days

I dont think that theres any other game like this one, this game is truly awesome. I downloaded it only today (steam) and I'm already hooked!

Its satisfying pressing all the buttons to power up the weapons and the reactor. The feeling of arming the gattling guns and watching them extend out the sides of the ship is brilliant.

Keep up the good work, I cant wait to see what this game will be like in the future!

I am happy to see you like the game. I have a lot of plans for Adrorium.

(2 edits)

... amazing game too bad about MP , would be great to see an offline LAN option in the future :) 

I am currently rewriting the multiplayer framework, ditching the buggy photon networking solution in favor of direct ip connection and steam net.

if you can pull it off, yours will be the best MP game you can find here :)

Thanks, also the current multiplayer framework is fully working(even on same local network) (but it has network errors because of the provider).

add among us

wut?  there's the ship from among us in the discord

what kinda counts as a sort of creative/god mode in this game when creating a world

To activate creative options: press F1 for debug mode than F2 for godmode and F3 for debug menu. Alternatively you can use chat debug commands.

The creative menu offers: lots of buttons that  do specific actions (like teleport to specific spot or stop all ships),  list with all ships for spawning and it also contains the list of all items for spawning.

I am not sure I understand the question. If you want to create a specific world you can do that via a mod, look in the Mods folder for the example.

thx i needed this

also is there a spreadsheet containing the item numbers for all the items in the game?

you can look in the config files in the Mods folder to see the identifier of each item and the index.

it is easier to simply click on the item in the creative menu to get it rather than to type in chat '/giveitem crenselfruit 4'

also I see messages faster in discord

ok thx

and my discord username is the same

hey do you know where you put that file on the linux version?

In the Mods folder there should be 3 things: 1 folder with a mod example,  the modding api(details about how to mod) and a archive containing the configuration files for the vanilla.
The mods folder should be in the same folder as the executables.

(2 edits)

Beholdernx, could you contact me? I don't wanna publish direct link here, but someone use your game with ads injected in installer. I do appreciate your work, so the fact that anyone gets benefit from others' property is disappoint me D:

just come to discord,, it's easy to talk there
on what site is the installer? a lot of sites like softonic pack ads in installers

(1 edit)

I have no account on discord, so if I found free distributed games with malicious stuff like ads and etc I'll fall in justice rage.. it has a lot visitors, that's why many of them probably will never know native source

You don't need account for discord, just a name.
Yea, they didn't update the trailer and the pictures, that's not great, people might get the wrong idea about Adro from their site, not to mention the malware.
Unfortunately I can't do anything about it except post on the main menu that Steam and itch,io are the only official sites.'s awful that even you, author, can't do anything radical to prevent that illegal activity, by the way now you know about that trash site :\

(2 edits)

This game is great fun, and only takes up around 90 MB of disc space. If you've got some spare time and like space I highly recommend it. The only two bad things I found while playing. the first was that there is no FPS limit setting, so the game will drain a lot of resources to get as many FPS as it can. The second thing is that in some areas the English is a little bad, so I made a Language Overhaul mod in case you're interested. Just unpack it and slap it in the mods folder of the game.


Happy to hear you like the game.
I always use vsync on(or half) and that limits the fps to 60 or your display refresh rate (look in settings). But it's easy to limit the fps so I will add that in next updates.
For the english, I wrote the dialogs about 2 years ago when I implemented that feature and I never updated them, when I will add some story to the game I will revise the dialogs. If you want I can include the mod in the next version release.

If you wish to include the mod, that's all up to you, as my mod slightly changes how some of the dialogues go. Also, happy to hear you're adding an FPS cap in the next update, that's been my biggest issue since I dislike VSync.

Anyways, you're doing an amazing  job, keep it up buddy.

good to see you're making good progress there man keep it up :)

ps haven't played in months

looking forward to it!

(1 edit) (+1)

You're doing awesome job man! Looking for a more free time to get more into it and maybe check multiplayer with my brother. Keep it up! Greetings from Poland.

PS Im using linux and so far everything works flawlessly. 



My textures bugged out when I tried to create a sandbox world. I think activating the built in mod caused it. Can you please fix it?

- I see posts faster on Discord.

- First, what OS do you have and is it 32b/64b?

- Did the textures work before?

- If you think there is a issue with a mod you can delete that mod to see if it fixes the problem. You can't corrupt the vanilla files just by activating a mod.

- What do you mean by bugged textures? Incorrect textures, deformed textures or pink/missing textures?

- Did you try re-downloading the game? perhaps the archive got corrupted while it was downloading.

The textures

I'm using windows 10, the textures did work before, I deleted the game and reinstalled it so I didn't try to delete the mod. A picture of the textures is at the top of the comment. I have redownload the game, I haven't tried it yet though.

Is there a Error folder in the game folder? if so can you send it to me to check if there were any errors.

If it worked before redownloading should fix the issue.

windows 32b or 64b?

integrated or dedicated graphics?

The issue aren't the textures but the world precision.

Textures display correctly, the models have incorrect dimensions, this happens when you move far away from the center of the universe but the game should compensate and reset the position of the player to avoid this type of issues, not sure why this is not happening in your case.

I didn't check for any errors in the game folder. I'm using windows 32. I'm not sure what kind of graphics.

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