Hy, thank you for doing a gameplay on the game. I took notice of all the bugs/ places where new players get stuck and I will try to find solutions for them, including a helping screen.
1. X gets the closest target; (looking on other ships/asteroids and pressing right click while driveing will lock on to them)
2. locking on is indicated by the additional rhombus over the target and in you can see information about the target in the drive hud ant ship status screen
3. there's a screen near the toilet in which(press SCREEN button on stats console to power up) in which you can see all swords of important information about your ship & the target ship
4. enemy ship don't attack you after the hull has dropped under 49% (after the ship got disabled)
5.there is another block, furnace(near workstation), that has few more crafting recipes especially regarding prime materials
6. Q,E rotate(driving or jetpack), Space,C (up down in drive/jetpack), Ctrl(Small Scale MFM jump), Shift(use rocket engines)
7. weapons, shields and MFMD consume a lot of power, the rest consume a lot less.
8. to move extremely fast build a MFM Drive and press Ctrl ; also you need this drive to jump between sectors (it requires reactor,turbine as well)
9. the ship is supposed to be brought closer to the asteroid. just rotate your ship 180 degrees when you are near and press Shift(for rocket engines), also rocket engines are way more powerfull than thrusters but can only push you forward(shift)
10. if you press Esc, you will see a image with all the keybindings.
11. enemy drones only fire at ships but their AI personal turrets fire only at players.
12. in control panel you can change the alarm and there is a button 'Silence Alarm' that clears out that annoying sound.
13. as for that error that popped out in the middle of the screen, I will look into it
14. you can't get to the next sector just by thrusting towards it, you need the Mass Field Modulator Drive (MFMD) to jump there
No problem. I'll do another let's play of this in the future in all likelihood. As I mentioned, the game itself was quite fun, it's just that I had no clue what I was doing. Thanks for the help!
Also have you considered making an official wiki for the game?
where do you get stuck, does the red text appear on the screen that indicates connection progress? can you please come to discord, its easier to speak there
1.press H to enable debug mode then press V to enable creative menu, in the right all the items are listed(click on them to get them)
2..look in the Mods folder and in there there's a archive that contains a file 0Items.json, in there you will find a list of all the items and their properties(open with text editor).
Hy, I read your review and I have few questions, when you encountered the errors were you in multiplayer and did you have access to internet? Did you restart the game after the error occured? Also a new version will come this/next week with many features including ability to hide errors and use singleplayer mode.
There is a file called error.log in error folder, it would help if you can send me that file to figure out what could have caused the errors.
In singleplayer I didn't encounter any error in my playtestings, As for difficulty I really like the buttons, they are here to stay.
I'm sorry you had an unpleasant experience, hope that will change with future versions.
This game is pretty genius i have no idea how to make the ship move/fly it tho but wow i can't believe this is free I always dreamt of such game based on gameplay and not graphics ;)
needs work, but so far this is looking pretty good x: the ui is kind of hard on the eyes xD but i like the style and the music. Keep up the work! cant wait to see where this is in the future, kind of gives me some pulsar vibes
i do reccomend adding more settings to the settings tho as soon as you can, mostly regarding resolution, auto scaling is nice but can also be deadly to the play experience and ui on certain displays as some displays do not support auto scaling or certain resolutions, so i could see alot of problems in that regard for alot of people.
Thank you kind sir, would you have any answer as to why there is no 3d being rendered on my old laptop. Do you think it would be the laptop not supporting the game engine or would it be a fault with the game? Thank you if you find a solution :)
No 3D ? I don't understand the problem, no actual 3D models? I don't see how that can happen... The game is tested on windows7 and nobody reported that there are no 3D models before. I think the game engine supports win7,8,10 only. It also supports Linux and mac, there are downloadable version for those but they are untested. As for the resolution, it's not a static resolution, it has 2 adaptive mods:fullscreen and 90% of current resolution, both should work on any resolution. Please specify the OS, version, if you downloaded it once or more and what exactly can you see on the screen but even then I don't know if I can help, it might be from your pc.
Ok, I checked the game on resolution 1024x768 and it works perfectly fine, all canvas components fit the screen, all objects are in the normal visual ark, the only problem is the cockpit but I don't know what I can do about that because the drive display is a fixed object.... Other than that both fullscreen and windowed work fine.
I think that the reason it may not have been working was because what I am using is a laptop that I recently upgraded, but the Graphics Driver only supports OpenGL 1, so that might be why. But with other games that were tested they did not rn at all because of this or did not work as no 3D is being rendered. I am running Win7 ultimate edition with 3GB of DDR2 200pin RAM with a 1.73Ghz CPU and a 'Intel(R) Graphics Media Accellerator For Mobile'. Please see if you can fix this as your game is awesome and I respect that you may be busy because of how much there is to create in such a game and how many other people need help, but if it isn't due to me not installing the right drivers than it may be because your game currently does not support OpenGL 1. Please look into this when you get chance.
So, the relevant minimum requirements for windows are: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities and CPU: SSE2 instruction set support. It might be the DirectX, try to download DX 11(latest), If your laptop does not support directX 10 there is nothing I can do about it, that is a requirement of the game engine. OpenGl is the 3D rendere for Linux and Mac, not for windows; DirectX is for windows. I saw a option to use OpenGl for windows but I don't have the time to investigate/compile such a custom build. I should have enough time after I release this version(0.7.0) but please write to me again after I finish this version to remind me to compile it with that special modification.
Thanks for your help, I believe that the laptop is capable of directx10, even though it is extremely old. I hope you have a great time creating your game, cause its awesome :D
I've had an idea, if this is made with a custom game engine or unity, wouldn't there be a way to make a seperate version for a different graphics API, I do not mean to be forcing this idea on you as I think it may be that I am missing the Directx update on win7
Free as the air you breath. I do not accept any monetary support at the moment but once the game will have enough playable features I will. On the other hand you can join the discord chat and follow the development if you want.
I never tested the game on linux and I have no idea how to run it, but some fast googling reveals that you should rightclick and set the file as a executable then double click. Another possibility is to open the terminal in that folder and run the file as any other application from terminal "./Adrorium v0.6.1.x86_64". I found more answers but you can find them as well on google.
I love the game, and especially the unique game mechanics, I am really looking forward to the full game, but I do have one problem, while playing through the tutorial, my gatling guns were damaged, I spent the entire drone fight running back and forth collecting missiles, so I would really like to know how to repair the ship? The tutorial did not tell me, and I cannot figure it out how on my own, I know it has something to do with the ?welder?, please help.
On 0.6.1 there is no way to allow for you to use the Main Power! You can't even start your ship! I don't know what to do. I'm on a mac if that helps at all. I love the newest version, but I keep having to use 0.6.0 instead.
Main power is not a energy source, but a grid, you have to power it up with a strong energy source(turbines(they require plasma)). for starting up the ship use the batteries to power the aux. grid first, but don't discharge them!(last battery button);
I don't test MAC builds because I don't have a a MAC, you can try restarting ur computer, redownloading or googling this. However, I don't remember anyone having this problem.
I plan to completely rework the building system in the future with a room based construction in a spacedoock and with individual components built by first creating a frame and adding items to it in order to assemble functional blocks. I do not plan to make Adrorium a game in which you can casually hold enough resources in your pocket to build a death star... I just finished yesterday making a creative menu from which you can easily select what blocks you want to build I will be posting a clip today with it on discord, check it out if you are interested. The creative menu will be in the next update(2-4 weeks from now). What you are saying is not hard to do but i don't want to develop something that i will completely replace in the future.
The Tutorial Is very HARD to beat (in the part of the buttons) BUT is pretty good the game, one bad thing:Bugs, When you Jump The Guy Traspass the ship
I am still working on the LAn support(if all works well it'll come in 0.5.1). For the internet support it's a different story, that will come later in game.
Could you be more specific? Where? In menu? While playing? While accessing the inventory? While driving?(for the last one maximize the engine console outputs and change the reactor to full output mode for better ship maneuverability). Otherwise while you are not in first person view the mouse is literally not bound to the game, it's moving as it moves on your desktop. Try redownloading?
For the player no but for the ship there was in a earlier version but i deleted it because i had problems aligning the cannon fire with the reticle, still i want to bring 3rd person view to Adrorium soon.
Yes, the 'GPS' i plan to implement after i redo the drive seat as well as a targeting system. I know its a pain to find drones at the moment. As for resources, they will come from asteroids, traders and from looting disabled enemy vessels. Buildmode will be split into shipdesign in spacedock(for the hull) and component based for the interior/exterior objects. Thing is: all these are very hard to implement and right now I want to finish the LAN support and the continue option as well as any easy to do thing that don't require a lot of redesigning the game framework. Still the features you mentioned will come soon.
All commands are written under the chatbox, just press Enter(in any gamemode) and you'll see them. Also Version 0.5.1 will come with: FPS optimizations; -Continue option and -LAN support(if everything works to plan). My guess is that 0.5.1 will be ready in less than 2 weeks.
I didn't make the Lan work yet, in future versions i will implement it but the idea is that the Max player number is only limited by your bandwidth. I guess as many as you want to answer your question.
In creative mod you can't enter in only one of the ships(riroa v5)(i needed it for the tutorial), the rest are accessible, but if its creative why not delete that airlock door on that ship and you are free to enter it. Next update will be somewhere between 2-3 weeks from now and i will be spending a lot more time from then on improving the game.
this game Is really good can't wait till you improve it further try adding planets and being able to land on them there doesn't have to be anything but it would still be cool I dont know why but it seems unique to me in a way please finish it!
the mouse sensitivity here is very inconsistent, it's fine when I'm not piloting a ship but when I do, the sensitivity is so low I cannot progress any further into the story mode, thanks
the rotation speed is dependent on the reactor output mode, on the engine sets1&2 and on the engine system output, it also says that in the tutorial, try maxing all the engine console scrolls and change the main power to full output mode(as the tutorial says). Also on the engine console it says the ship maneuverability factor (120 is max)
sadly that is way too low, turning around is nearly impossible. but for a spacecraft it's really slow too, i estimate a bit faster than a car (EDIT: no, a bit faster than you walk), with warp jumps of a few hundred metres before the engine needs recharging, wouldn't mind if it wouldn't take minutes, but seconds to recharge. it's a bit like you expect an airplane but get a hot air balloon.
Sure rotating shouldn't be as fast as a person but for a such small ship taking hours (or at least about 15 minutes) to turn is just not enjoyable. it shouldn't be that much slower to rotate it around aother axis, at least if the one who built that ship didn't totally messed up.
Okay that rotating problem seems to be only in tutorial and storymode, in sandbox it's fine. Or at least better as you don't need to move your mouse a metre to move the crosshair/circle about a centimetre.
oh, and you shouldn't stop moving just because you aren't accelerating, there is nothing (or at least not noticable much) stopping you in space.
If you follow the steps i told you the ship will rotate much faster, it takes me 5.63 seconds to do a full 360 rotation with the ship. Are you sure you did everything to the letter? As for the movement of the ship, i didn't have time to polish it, i plan to make it realistic and inertia based just like the player in jetpack mode. If you ask me 360 in ~6 seconds is a bit to fast for a ship. I made a guide on how to make the ship as fast as it can go/rotate:
now i know what was wrong, the slider for the reactor output goes from right to left instead of the normal (and used for example for the weapons) left to right, the tutorial does not mention it when you do it wrong, numbers (at least for me) are lowest left and highest right, another indicator, that right seems to be the highest setting.
but with the now right settings one is faster, is able to rotate better and the jumps big enough to not find the station again, but that doesn't mean much as it is hard enough from just a few kilometres away, perhaps a pulsating red or green light on top and bottom would help with the latter.
6 seconds are fine, but i don't seem to get that fast about half minute (at about 100fps) is as fast as it gets for me, for such a small ship, could even be faster, but we don't want players to throw up, aren't we?
then there's only the issue with momentum and perhaps putting some use to the things one can get: the pistol doesn't work, the parts just need room but aren't needed, there is nothing damaging anything for getting fixed with the tape and oxygen isn't needed either. and it needs collissions for the ship, as i got too comfortable just standing up from the chair to loot and then sitting down again to fly away.
until now i see much potential but much to do, too.
Well, thank you, but keep in mind that Adrorium is just a prototipe in pre-Alpha, I just started working on it several months ago so considering the complexity the game doesn't have very much to offer yet because i didn't have time to implement a lot of features but they will come, don't worry. Actually i have a To do list with 105 things that i have to implement and the list is only related to the few aspects i am working right now, otherwise i got thousands of ideas. So if you see a cheap jerry-rigged mechanism in the game it's not because i choose to make it look bad but bc it's a placeholder for a better system that i will be implementing in the future. Adrorium is a very complex game and i don't have time to work on every single aspect at the same time, i take it one step at a time.
The tutorial only allows you to progress to the next step when you changed the sliders to max output(and for the plasma-electricity ratio slider i didn't have time to make it a mission, i considered that ok not to be touched atm). Furthermore the actual plasma/ele. output values are displayed on the console right to the buttons. Also it says if you are outputting more plasma or electricity and on engines it's written connect to plasma grid so it should be logic that more plasma+lower electricity output would increase the plasma powered engines). Still i have big plans to redesign the whole tutorial and to implement some warnings when the engines aren't used at max potential but that will come a lot later in development because now i'm concentrating on the core game mechanics. Also the plasme-electricity ratio slider is not counter-intuitive because it's sliding direction doesn't represent how much plasma is produced but how much plasma is transformed into electricity.
P.S. a rudimentary targeting system (for locating drones/planets/stations) is in that 105 to do's list. Right now i'm working on the multiplayer system. If you have any sugestions or any problems you find with the game i have a discord server where we can talk. https://discord.gg/6MfbrcA
Hey, I just found your project and thought it is really interesting. Just wanted to say that I have some basicmodelling experience and I would very pleased to help you out with that aspect of the game's development. Let me know if you are interested.
Did you extract it before you started the game, running in archive causes problems, also i forgot to disable the buildmode in the mission, also the game is for windows 64, not for 32(86). On my laptop it works just fine, perhaps try redownloading? :D. Btw I only verify the Windows versions, the other platforms i can't test :(. Also are you looking at the ship when you are building? if not the game doesn't know on what ship to add the block to, you are supposed to look at a shipblock and that block must be 1.5 meters or close to 'register' the ship as the entity you are building on. Or perhaps the game doesn't have the authority to create a savefile(try moveing it to an unrestricted location on drive or try running as administrat0r). Thank you for your feedback, this will be a thing i will investigate when making the next build.
I plan on redoing the ship movement completely, as for player movement, you have magboots for ship interior and jetpack for empty space , G toggle between them, the buildmode is just a dev too that i use to design ships, i will remove this feature and replace it with a system assembling mode and a dry dock ship editing, to be ore realistic
Yes :) i only have the building system for designing the ship(s) as a dev, i will make the ship hull editable only as a whole room and in a dock, otherwise i only plan on having small systems(weapons/consoles...) editable by component and not as a whole block
Hmm, i didn't add a 1 block ship for building purposes, I've been planning to but i didn't have time. It'll be in future patches. As for the building system, that will be a option in the later game, but it will be different: it'll be
split it into hull editing(only in spacedocks/room design ) and
interior building(component based). I also plan on putting the ships player designs in creative be able to be bought in space-stations in sandbox.
"spacedocks" do you mean that there are going to be big space stations? maybe where you can buy stuff and uprgrade stuff? or is that in the game and i never found that because i am toooo stupid to fly xD
In the current version there are already spacestations with aliens that give you missions.(there's one in each gametype) In the future versions yes i will make space-docks that give you the option to upgrade systems/make ship bigger, but for now there's only one type of spacestation. if you can't find it, use the chat command to spawn it(press enter, type "/spawnship spacestation"). Also if you can't drive the ship, maximise the engine console scrolls and change the power output of the reactor to full power, ship mobility&speed is proportional to these. I already made a currency in the game that will be used to buy stuff.
I like this. Nice work. The interaction with the ship takes some time to learn but is more realistic than I've seen before. I was a kid when Elite came out and miss this sort of game.
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This is a very in depth game. I was originally expecting a minecraft knock off, but was pleasantly surprised to find out that that wasn't the case.
That said, as you can tell by the title of my video, I sort of lost my ship while I was out mining :( How do I find it?
Hy, thank you for doing a gameplay on the game.
I took notice of all the bugs/ places where new players get stuck and I will try to find solutions for them, including a helping screen.
1. X gets the closest target; (looking on other ships/asteroids and pressing right click while driveing will lock on to them)
2. locking on is indicated by the additional rhombus over the target and in you can see information about the target in the drive hud ant ship status screen
3. there's a screen near the toilet in which(press SCREEN button on stats console to power up) in which you can see all swords of important information about your ship & the target ship
4. enemy ship don't attack you after the hull has dropped under 49% (after the ship got disabled)
5.there is another block, furnace(near workstation), that has few more crafting recipes especially regarding prime materials
6. Q,E rotate(driving or jetpack), Space,C (up down in drive/jetpack), Ctrl(Small Scale MFM jump), Shift(use rocket engines)
7. weapons, shields and MFMD consume a lot of power, the rest consume a lot less.
8. to move extremely fast build a MFM Drive and press Ctrl ; also you need this drive to jump between sectors (it requires reactor,turbine as well)
9. the ship is supposed to be brought closer to the asteroid. just rotate your ship 180 degrees when you are near and press Shift(for rocket engines), also rocket engines are way more powerfull than thrusters but can only push you forward(shift)
10. if you press Esc, you will see a image with all the keybindings.
11. enemy drones only fire at ships but their AI personal turrets fire only at players.
12. in control panel you can change the alarm and there is a button 'Silence Alarm' that clears out that annoying sound.
13. as for that error that popped out in the middle of the screen, I will look into it
14. you can't get to the next sector just by thrusting towards it, you need the Mass Field Modulator Drive (MFMD) to jump there
Thank you again.
No problem. I'll do another let's play of this in the future in all likelihood. As I mentioned, the game itself was quite fun, it's just that I had no clue what I was doing. Thanks for the help!
Also have you considered making an official wiki for the game?
I don't have the time.
Created a wiki page but it takes up to 5 weeks for it to be reviewed and accepted.
Got it.
Hey there, my brother and i ADORE this game! One issue we've found that we can't play online together, any advice?
where do you get stuck, does the red text appear on the screen that indicates connection progress? can you please come to discord, its easier to speak there
yeah, thats exactly what happens
Is there someplace I can get a list of items?
yes, there are 2 easy ways:
1.press H to enable debug mode then press V to enable creative menu, in the right all the items are listed(click on them to get them)
2..look in the Mods folder and in there there's a archive that contains a file 0Items.json, in there you will find a list of all the items and their properties(open with text editor).
Great potential! You should introduce this to a big company so they could fund your game for better assets
Well, I only do this as a hobby, and I intentionally leave the models on low quality to keep the fps high so it can run on potatoe pc's.
Potato pc owner here appreciates this
great game im so glad 32bit version so many game dont have the 32bit anymore! Thanks!!!!
Hy, I read your review and I have few questions, when you encountered the errors were you in multiplayer and did you have access to internet? Did you restart the game after the error occured?
Also a new version will come this/next week with many features including ability to hide errors and use singleplayer mode.
There is a file called error.log in error folder, it would help if you can send me that file to figure out what could have caused the errors.
In singleplayer I didn't encounter any error in my playtestings,
As for difficulty I really like the buttons, they are here to stay.
I'm sorry you had an unpleasant experience, hope that will change with future versions.
Hi I play on mac and for some reason whenever I try to launch it says the game is damaged and can not open. Does anyone have any advice?
Hmm.... Yea, I hear about that bug a lot, my suggestion: try Wine(it runs Windows apps on mac).
This game is pretty genius i have no idea how to make the ship move/fly it tho but wow i can't believe this is free I always dreamt of such game based on gameplay and not graphics ;)
needs work, but so far this is looking pretty good x: the ui is kind of hard on the eyes xD but i like the style and the music. Keep up the work! cant wait to see where this is in the future, kind of gives me some pulsar vibes
i do reccomend adding more settings to the settings tho as soon as you can, mostly regarding resolution, auto scaling is nice but can also be deadly to the play experience and ui on certain displays as some displays do not support auto scaling or certain resolutions, so i could see alot of problems in that regard for alot of people.
can we have some support for 1024x768 resolutions?
added to my todo list
Thank you kind sir, would you have any answer as to why there is no 3d being rendered on my old laptop. Do you think it would be the laptop not supporting the game engine or would it be a fault with the game? Thank you if you find a solution :)
No 3D ? I don't understand the problem, no actual 3D models? I don't see how that can happen... The game is tested on windows7 and nobody reported that there are no 3D models before. I think the game engine supports win7,8,10 only. It also supports Linux and mac, there are downloadable version for those but they are untested. As for the resolution, it's not a static resolution, it has 2 adaptive mods:fullscreen and 90% of current resolution, both should work on any resolution. Please specify the OS, version, if you downloaded it once or more and what exactly can you see on the screen but even then I don't know if I can help, it might be from your pc.
Ok, I checked the game on resolution 1024x768 and it works perfectly fine, all canvas components fit the screen, all objects are in the normal visual ark, the only problem is the cockpit but I don't know what I can do about that because the drive display is a fixed object.... Other than that both fullscreen and windowed work fine.
I think that the reason it may not have been working was because what I am using is a laptop that I recently upgraded, but the Graphics Driver only supports OpenGL 1, so that might be why. But with other games that were tested they did not rn at all because of this or did not work as no 3D is being rendered. I am running Win7 ultimate edition with 3GB of DDR2 200pin RAM with a 1.73Ghz CPU and a 'Intel(R) Graphics Media Accellerator For Mobile'. Please see if you can fix this as your game is awesome and I respect that you may be busy because of how much there is to create in such a game and how many other people need help, but if it isn't due to me not installing the right drivers than it may be because your game currently does not support OpenGL 1. Please look into this when you get chance.
So, the relevant minimum requirements for windows are: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities and CPU: SSE2 instruction set support. It might be the DirectX, try to download DX 11(latest), If your laptop does not support directX 10 there is nothing I can do about it, that is a requirement of the game engine. OpenGl is the 3D rendere for Linux and Mac, not for windows; DirectX is for windows. I saw a option to use OpenGl for windows but I don't have the time to investigate/compile such a custom build. I should have enough time after I release this version(0.7.0) but please write to me again after I finish this version to remind me to compile it with that special modification.
Thanks for your help, I believe that the laptop is capable of directx10, even though it is extremely old. I hope you have a great time creating your game, cause its awesome :D
I've had an idea, if this is made with a custom game engine or unity, wouldn't there be a way to make a seperate version for a different graphics API, I do not mean to be forcing this idea on you as I think it may be that I am missing the Directx update on win7
This is free and can i buy and support?
Free as the air you breath. I do not accept any monetary support at the moment but once the game will have enough playable features I will. On the other hand you can join the discord chat and follow the development if you want.
thanks :)
So im kinda new to the whole linux thing and i cant quite figure out how to run the game?
I never tested the game on linux and I have no idea how to run it, but some fast googling reveals that you should rightclick and set the file as a executable then double click. Another possibility is to open the terminal in that folder and run the file as any other application from terminal "./Adrorium v0.6.1.x86_64". I found more answers but you can find them as well on google.
I love the game, and especially the unique game mechanics, I am really looking forward to the full game, but I do have one problem, while playing through the tutorial, my gatling guns were damaged, I spent the entire drone fight running back and forth collecting missiles, so I would really like to know how to repair the ship? The tutorial did not tell me, and I cannot figure it out how on my own, I know it has something to do with the ?welder?, please help.
The ship is fine but some systems were knocked offline, you just have to restart them from the consoles.
On 0.6.1 there is no way to allow for you to use the Main Power! You can't even start your ship! I don't know what to do. I'm on a mac if that helps at all. I love the newest version, but I keep having to use 0.6.0 instead.
Main power is not a energy source, but a grid, you have to power it up with a strong energy source(turbines(they require plasma)). for starting up the ship use the batteries to power the aux. grid first, but don't discharge them!(last battery button);
could not even get it to open on my mac. it got stuck at title screen
I don't test MAC builds because I don't have a a MAC, you can try restarting ur computer, redownloading or googling this. However, I don't remember anyone having this problem.
it would be cool if you put a construction inventory in creative mode, much like minecraft.
I plan to completely rework the building system in the future with a room based construction in a spacedoock and with individual components built by first creating a frame and adding items to it in order to assemble functional blocks. I do not plan to make Adrorium a game in which you can casually hold enough resources in your pocket to build a death star... I just finished yesterday making a creative menu from which you can easily select what blocks you want to build I will be posting a clip today with it on discord, check it out if you are interested. The creative menu will be in the next update(2-4 weeks from now). What you are saying is not hard to do but i don't want to develop something that i will completely replace in the future.
okay. thanks ! by the way, adrorium is a awesome game
Thank you, also these are the latest things i worked on in the last week:
The Tutorial Is very HARD to beat (in the part of the buttons) BUT is pretty good the game, one bad thing:Bugs, When you Jump The Guy Traspass the ship
I will make the tutorial more intuitive in the future. Yes i noticed the jumping problem and i will increase the magboots stickiness.
This has a crap ton of potenial, Id like to see where it gopes
I am still working on the LAn support(if all works well it'll come in 0.5.1). For the internet support it's a different story, that will come later in game.
You cant bruh
the moues sensitivity is VERY buggy,it wont let me move my mouse.HELP!
Could you be more specific? Where? In menu? While playing? While accessing the inventory? While driving?(for the last one maximize the engine console outputs and change the reactor to full output mode for better ship maneuverability). Otherwise while you are not in first person view the mouse is literally not bound to the game, it's moving as it moves on your desktop. Try redownloading?
tehres a third person mode
For the player no but for the ship there was in a earlier version but i deleted it because i had problems aligning the cannon fire with the reticle, still i want to bring 3rd person view to Adrorium soon.
cool, it would be nice for the players to have it too though!
you should add in a GPS/waypoint system in so you can keep track of stuff, also add a survival mode where you can use resources to build ships!
Yes, the 'GPS' i plan to implement after i redo the drive seat as well as a targeting system. I know its a pain to find drones at the moment. As for resources, they will come from asteroids, traders and from looting disabled enemy vessels. Buildmode will be split into shipdesign in spacedock(for the hull) and component based for the interior/exterior objects. Thing is: all these are very hard to implement and right now I want to finish the LAN support and the continue option as well as any easy to do thing that don't require a lot of redesigning the game framework. Still the features you mentioned will come soon.
that will be nice!
this game is SO COOOOL if we know the commands xD
(and please fix the 'continue option ;) )
All commands are written under the chatbox, just press Enter(in any gamemode) and you'll see them. Also Version 0.5.1 will come with: FPS optimizations; -Continue option and -LAN support(if everything works to plan). My guess is that 0.5.1 will be ready in less than 2 weeks.
thanks :)
How many people can play in the LAN?
I didn't make the Lan work yet, in future versions i will implement it but the idea is that the Max player number is only limited by your bandwidth. I guess as many as you want to answer your question.
this game is awesome! but it has some problems:
in creative mode u dont have a space suit, so u cant enter any good ship
and more stuff.
just MAKE IT!
In creative mod you can't enter in only one of the ships(riroa v5)(i needed it for the tutorial), the rest are accessible, but if its creative why not delete that airlock door on that ship and you are free to enter it. Next update will be somewhere between 2-3 weeks from now and i will be spending a lot more time from then on improving the game.
ok tnx. just DO IT!
you are being a little rushy, but I support your enthusiasm, this game is really cool.
this game Is really good can't wait till you improve it further try adding planets and being able to land on them there doesn't have to be anything but it would still be cool I dont know why but it seems unique to me in a way please finish it!
the mouse sensitivity here is very inconsistent, it's fine when I'm not piloting a ship but when I do, the sensitivity is so low I cannot progress any further into the story mode, thanks
the rotation speed is dependent on the reactor output mode, on the engine sets1&2 and on the engine system output, it also says that in the tutorial, try maxing all the engine console scrolls and change the main power to full output mode(as the tutorial says). Also on the engine console it says the ship maneuverability factor (120 is max)
sadly that is way too low, turning around is nearly impossible. but for a spacecraft it's really slow too, i estimate a bit faster than a car (EDIT: no, a bit faster than you walk), with warp jumps of a few hundred metres before the engine needs recharging, wouldn't mind if it wouldn't take minutes, but seconds to recharge. it's a bit like you expect an airplane but get a hot air balloon.
Sure rotating shouldn't be as fast as a person but for a such small ship taking hours (or at least about 15 minutes) to turn is just not enjoyable. it shouldn't be that much slower to rotate it around aother axis, at least if the one who built that ship didn't totally messed up.
Okay that rotating problem seems to be only in tutorial and storymode, in sandbox it's fine. Or at least better as you don't need to move your mouse a metre to move the crosshair/circle about a centimetre.
oh, and you shouldn't stop moving just because you aren't accelerating, there is nothing (or at least not noticable much) stopping you in space.
But it has quite some potential.
If you follow the steps i told you the ship will rotate much faster, it takes me 5.63 seconds to do a full 360 rotation with the ship. Are you sure you did everything to the letter? As for the movement of the ship, i didn't have time to polish it, i plan to make it realistic and inertia based just like the player in jetpack mode. If you ask me 360 in ~6 seconds is a bit to fast for a ship. I made a guide on how to make the ship as fast as it can go/rotate:
now i know what was wrong, the slider for the reactor output goes from right to left instead of the normal (and used for example for the weapons) left to right, the tutorial does not mention it when you do it wrong, numbers (at least for me) are lowest left and highest right, another indicator, that right seems to be the highest setting.
but with the now right settings one is faster, is able to rotate better and the jumps big enough to not find the station again, but that doesn't mean much as it is hard enough from just a few kilometres away, perhaps a pulsating red or green light on top and bottom would help with the latter.
6 seconds are fine, but i don't seem to get that fast about half minute (at about 100fps) is as fast as it gets for me, for such a small ship, could even be faster, but we don't want players to throw up, aren't we?
then there's only the issue with momentum and perhaps putting some use to the things one can get: the pistol doesn't work, the parts just need room but aren't needed, there is nothing damaging anything for getting fixed with the tape and oxygen isn't needed either. and it needs collissions for the ship, as i got too comfortable just standing up from the chair to loot and then sitting down again to fly away.
until now i see much potential but much to do, too.
Well, thank you, but keep in mind that Adrorium is just a prototipe in pre-Alpha, I just started working on it several months ago so considering the complexity the game doesn't have very much to offer yet because i didn't have time to implement a lot of features but they will come, don't worry. Actually i have a To do list with 105 things that i have to implement and the list is only related to the few aspects i am working right now, otherwise i got thousands of ideas. So if you see a cheap jerry-rigged mechanism in the game it's not because i choose to make it look bad but bc it's a placeholder for a better system that i will be implementing in the future. Adrorium is a very complex game and i don't have time to work on every single aspect at the same time, i take it one step at a time.
The tutorial only allows you to progress to the next step when you changed the sliders to max output(and for the plasma-electricity ratio slider i didn't have time to make it a mission, i considered that ok not to be touched atm). Furthermore the actual plasma/ele. output values are displayed on the console right to the buttons. Also it says if you are outputting more plasma or electricity and on engines it's written connect to plasma grid so it should be logic that more plasma+lower electricity output would increase the plasma powered engines). Still i have big plans to redesign the whole tutorial and to implement some warnings when the engines aren't used at max potential but that will come a lot later in development because now i'm concentrating on the core game mechanics. Also the plasme-electricity ratio slider is not counter-intuitive because it's sliding direction doesn't represent how much plasma is produced but how much plasma is transformed into electricity.
P.S. a rudimentary targeting system (for locating drones/planets/stations) is in that 105 to do's list. Right now i'm working on the multiplayer system. If you have any sugestions or any problems you find with the game i have a discord server where we can talk. https://discord.gg/6MfbrcA
for me mouse doesn't work you have to go around trying to click buttons when the light up how to fix ?
in the tutorial you can only click the buttons that the tutorial stage allows you to, if you want to press them free, disable the tutorial- press P
is the "run, you clever boy. " a reference from doctor who?
and remember
Not again, please.
How to extract the game, I don't know what to do with the whole bunch of data. Somebody hellllps!!!!!
For which platform? They are all Zip archives, just use winrar/winzip/other archive decompress-er programs.
if its on mac go to contents then macOS right click it and open with terminal it will open the terminal but also the game
It's works, thanks!!!!!!!
Looks really good man, well done!
Thank you!
good game but i know some ideas for you make the fighter fly and some large astroids for building
but your a great dev
Oh happy to hear that, i always need feedback, here's a link for chat/announcements/feedback :https://discord.gg/6MfbrcA(Discord).
Hey, I just found your project and thought it is really interesting. Just wanted to say that I have some basic modelling experience and I would very pleased to help you out with that aspect of the game's development. Let me know if you are interested.
We'll speak on Discord.
Ok, talk to you on discord.
32 bit version?
I didn't export it in 32 for win, but because of your recommendation i will also publish a 32b version from now on, starting with the next patch
Ok, thanks for the reply!
Did you extract it before you started the game, running in archive causes problems, also i forgot to disable the buildmode in the mission, also the game is for windows 64, not for 32(86). On my laptop it works just fine, perhaps try redownloading? :D. Btw I only verify the Windows versions, the other platforms i can't test :(. Also are you looking at the ship when you are building? if not the game doesn't know on what ship to add the block to, you are supposed to look at a shipblock and that block must be 1.5 meters or close to 'register' the ship as the entity you are building on. Or perhaps the game doesn't have the authority to create a savefile(try moveing it to an unrestricted location on drive or try running as administrat0r). Thank you for your feedback, this will be a thing i will investigate when making the next build.
i cant use water or food
I'm working on it, it should be done by tomorrow or even tonight if i have time to put that in inbetween implementing the story.
Well i like the game but... easier flying pls? XD and better build mode.... idk what i am doing with that xD
I plan on redoing the ship movement completely, as for player movement, you have magboots for ship interior and jetpack for empty space , G toggle between them, the buildmode is just a dev too that i use to design ships, i will remove this feature and replace it with a system assembling mode and a dry dock ship editing, to be ore realistic
Well i like the game but... easier flying pls? XD and better build mode.... idk what i am doing with that xD
The first minecraft game that is not minecraft
Yes :) i only have the building system for designing the ship(s) as a dev, i will make the ship hull editable only as a whole room and in a dock, otherwise i only plan on having small systems(weapons/consoles...) editable by component and not as a whole block
But.. .. i still want to build my own ship later and not just edit it T.T
Hmm, i didn't add a 1 block ship for building purposes, I've been planning to but i didn't have time. It'll be in future patches. As for the building system, that will be a option in the later game, but it will be different: it'll be split it into hull editing(only in spacedocks/room design ) and interior building(component based). I also plan on putting the ships player designs in creative be able to be bought in space-stations in sandbox.
"spacedocks" do you mean that there are going to be big space stations? maybe where you can buy stuff and uprgrade stuff? or is that in the game and i never found that because i am toooo stupid to fly xD
In the current version there are already spacestations with aliens that give you missions.(there's one in each gametype) In the future versions yes i will make space-docks that give you the option to upgrade systems/make ship bigger, but for now there's only one type of spacestation. if you can't find it, use the chat command to spawn it(press enter, type "/spawnship spacestation"). Also if you can't drive the ship, maximise the engine console scrolls and change the power output of the reactor to full power, ship mobility&speed is proportional to these. I already made a currency in the game that will be used to buy stuff.
I like this. Nice work. The interaction with the ship takes some time to learn but is more realistic than I've seen before. I was a kid when Elite came out and miss this sort of game.
Thank you :), a crucial aspect about this game will be the buttons/ levers/ interactive panels and such.